
  • Interior view Finishing line prefabricated garages
  • Interior view Finishing line prefabricated garages
  • Interior view Finishing line prefabricated garages
  • automatic extension carriage with finished garage
  • Finishing line - plant for prefabricated garages

Zapf GmbH was approaching Prilhofer Consulting to design an assembly line for precast garages to modernize the plant in Ebenhausen.

Prilhofer Consulting was developing a bespoke assembly line with automated return of carriers and an automated run off truck to the stock yard. The assembly line has a curing chamber to make the assembly process more efficient and increase the quality of the garages.

The assembly line occupies an area of 3.780 m² and can produce up to 20 garages pre day. The plant was finished begin of 2019 and goes into production in April 2019.

Zapf GmbH as one of the most important producers of precast garages wanted to have an independent planner for the assembly line to be able to get quotations of different suppliers of plant technology

Zapf GmbH is the biggest producer of precast garages in Germany.


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