Independent consulting for industrialized construction
The GERICON key to success
Sophisticated architectural concepts of the buildings will be tailored to the requirements of the precast technology by means of designing innovative building systems. The analysis of realistic logistic and assembly activities provides detailed information about the type and amount of the precast elements that will be required at the construction site. And exactly that information is necessary to design a precast plant regarding perfectly coordinated technical components with optimal utilization. All in all: A complex system is turned into a clever one.

Integrated planning services from a single source
We provide services in the following fields:
- Urban development and urban planning concept
- Architectural design
- Development of the building system and the connections
- Design of the production plant including feasibility study, layout, investment costs, project management
- Design of the building site logistics
- Training of personnel
- Plant and building site supervision
- Analysis of the current situation and suggestions for improvement (organization, technology, etc.)
- Redesign and improvement of existing precast plants
- Adjustment and optimization of building systems
- Checking/ review and independent assessment of designs and layouts for production plants
- Support in introducing and implementing the industrial building system
- Seminars and workshops about industrialized construction by the GERICON Institute
We develop customized solutions for you, taking local resources as well as climatic and geophysical conditions into consideration.