Low-impact construction with precast concrete elements
Less noise and dust on precast concrete construction sites
Noise and dust pollution on conventional construction sites is enormous. The industrialized construction with precast elements reduces the time and pollution on-site significantly due to the prefabrication in the precast plant.

As you can see in the diagram above, parts of the tasks are executed simultaneously when using traditional construction methods. This leads to a larger number of error sources and errors occur more frequently. Sometimes, plans are not up-to-date and works are carried out according to these plans. This leads to expensive repair and restoring work.
Pre-production in the precast plant instead of on site
Industrialized construction relies on a high degree of prefabrication. This means that as many tasks as possible are carried out in the factory. Works on site are reduced as much as possible. Therefore, few companies are on site and less coordination between the respective companies is necessary. Construction time on site is reduced significantly and neighbors are disturbed less.

Time savings on a precast construction site
Time-saving installation of a high-rise building in Russia made of precast concrete elements. In this photo, one can see that the precast concrete elements are only moved by a crane to the right place and assembled there on site. Afterwards, only interior work and building services are performed.Reduction of dust and dirt pollution
Environmentally friendly construction is becoming more and more important due to the already existing environmental pollution. If local governments tighten regulations about environmentally friendly construction, this can eventually have financial impacts on a project. Fulfilling these requirements will be very difficult with traditional building methods.
Da die Betonfertigteile auf der Baustelle lediglich montiert werden, entwickeln sich weniger Staub- und Schmutzbelastungen für die Nachbarn und die Umwelt. Auch für die Bauarbeiter vor Ort kommt es zu einer geringeren Staub- und Schmutzbelastung. Durch die hohe Vorfertigung im Werk arbeiten die Arbeiter darüber hinaus in einer geschützten Umgebung. Dies ist vor allem in Großstädten ein wichtiger Faktor.